It’s good to see you!

Join Us for Coffee

If you are planning on coming along to one of our services for the first time, please come a bit early for coffee and make yourself known to a member of our welcome team. We also serve coffee after the services so leave enough time to stay and chat.

Each service normally lasts between 1 hour and 1 ½ hours. Each week there are children and youth groups during part of the service where children and young people can join their friends whilst their adults hear a message.

Get in Touch

We hope that you find all of the information that you are looking for on our website, but if you’d like to ask any questions, the Christchurch office is open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.30am – 2.30pm, and the phone number is 01275 871483.  Or you can fill in the enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you’ve already been to a service or two and want to find out more, why not have a chat with one of our ministers (via the church office or fill in the contact form and we’ll put you in touch).

You might also like to sign up to our
fortnightly e-newsletter for all the up-to-date info on what’s happening at Christchurch.
Fill in the form below with your name and email address and tick the ‘newsletter’ box.

There are loads of ways to meet people and get involved at Christchurch – toddler groups, home groups for bible study, interest groups, Men’s and Women’s groups, and many more.
Take a look around the website to see what we are about and get in touch by filling in the form below and ticking the relevant ‘areas of interest’ boxes.
If you want to find out what’s on and when, take a look at our calendar.

Need Prayer?

If you’d like us to pray for you, please email Jean Balcombe Jean heads up our confidential prayer chain and weekly prayer sheet.