Ensuring your involvement with the ongoing mission of your church with a gift in your will.
Having a will ensures that you have the opportunity to provide for your family and loved ones and to support causes that are important to you. You can continue to support the mission of Christchurch Clevedon by including a gift in your will. We would encourage you to seek the advice of a solicitor in drawing up your will and including any legacy gifts.
There are three main types of legacy gift:
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:34
Words that can be used in a will for a Residuary Legacy:
I give x% of the residue of my estate to Christchurch Clevedon Reg. Charity No.1179989 of Chapel Hill, Clevedon, BS21 7LL, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that a receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Executive Church Council of Christchurch shall be a full and final sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.
Words that can be used in a will for a Pecuniary or Specific Legacy:
I give £xx/specific asset or item to Christchurch Clevedon Reg. Charity No.1179989 of Chapel Hill, Clevedon, BS21 7LL, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that a receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Executive Church Council of Christchurch shall be a full and final sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.
If you would like to discuss this with someone, please contact the Church Office:
Telephone: 01275871483
Email: legacy@christchurch-clevedon.org.uk