
Twin My Vaccine

Twin My Vaccine

Following news reports over the past few weeks, members of the church family have asked how they can show their appreciation for their own ‘jab’ by blessing others and ‘twinning their vaccine’. Rather than initiate our own giving page, you may wish to join with other local Christians via Revd Scott Patterson, a vicar in Curry Rivel, and his wife Rowan who have launched ‘Twin My Vaccine’. This...

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North Somerset remembers

North Somerset remembers

On 14th March 2020, North Somerset lost its first resident to COVID-19. Since then, many more people from our communities have passed away. On Sunday 14th March 2021 at 7pm, North Somerset Council is inviting us all to light a candle in memory of those no longer here. Residents are also encouraged to share a picture of our candles on social media using #NStogether to create a virtual...

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The Mum Show

The Mum Show

A free 12 part course for Mums that’s available to watch any time between the 8th February and 30th April, provided by Care For the Family. Each session is 30 minutes long and you’ll come away with strategies for managing both you and your family’s stress and anxiety levels, practical tips to help you and your child process the mental and emotional impact of the pandemic, ideas on...

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Bereavement Care Awareness Training

Bereavement Care Awareness Training

Suitable for all people looking to support the bereaved – whatever your experience, and gives an insight into what might be the needs of someone who is bereaved, and how you might be able to help. The course draws on Care for the Family’s wide experience of bereavement support, updated to also apply to lockdown living. The course lasts roughly 3 hours, and supporting material is provided via...

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Chronavirus 100,000 a Call to Prayer

Chronavirus 100,000 a Call to Prayer

At 6pm from on Mondays throughout February, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York are calling on the nation to light a candle and pray for all those who mourn.  More information can be found on the Church of England’s website. With so many people affected by these tough times, it can be useful to structure our daily prayer. The Prayer for the Nation provides themes for each day...

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Local Debt Help for Free

Local Debt Help for Free

CAP is a national charity and has been around in the UK for over 25 years and is accredited by the FCA to provide FREE professional advice on how to become debt free. We have a local debt centre here in the Gordano Area covering Clevedon, Nailsea and Portishead who are available now to provide advise and support to anyone who wants to think about sorting out their...

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Christmas Lunches

Christmas Lunches

Well, Christmas is just around the corner… I don’t know about you but even though I love Christmas I am feeling a bit anxious as I know that it will look very different this year.  We hope that Christmas is a time when people experience some joy, but even in non-Covid times we realise that Christmas can be a hard time for people for all sorts of reasons. We know that a lot...

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Food Parcels for Uganda

Although many people in our country are struggling to provide food for their families as a result of Covid19, people in Uganda, as in many developing countries, do not have the luxury of food banks/furlough schemes/other government & charitable support and many are, literally, struggling to get enough food for each day.   We are in close communication with the staff at Uganda Women Concern Ministry and although...

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