
We’re delighted to be able to invite you once again to join us for Christingle at Christchurch!
Come along and join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with puppets, songs, magic tricks and of course your very own Christingle to take home.
We are offering two services again this year:
Saturday 24th December 2023
2.30pm and 4pm
We are not issuing tickets this year but would very much appreciate any donations you are able to make, which will be equally split between The Children’s Society and the work of Christchurch in the community. Please do take a moment to find out more about what The Children’s Society does to help free children and young people from abuse, neglect and exploitation by clicking on this link
We will have buckets available before, during and after the Christingle services for cash donations as well as “tap” card payments, but if you would like to donate online, please visit our website’s ‘Giving’ page and scroll down a little to click on the ‘Donate to Christchurch’ button on the right hand side. Where it gives you the option to add a reference, please type ‘Christingle’.
If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Kathryn in the church office: 01275 871483 on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9.30am & 2.30pm, or by our contact page.