“Prayer is at the heart of all we do.”

Prayer Sheet

Once a fortnight, we produce a sheet giving information about prayer needs in our community and for those who we are connected with.  This is sent out to our congregation electronically and included in our printed newssheet in church.

If you think that something might be suitable for the prayer sheet, please contact Jean (see opposite for contact details).

Prayer Room

Whenever the Church is open we have a comfortable quiet space available for you to come and pray or just sit and reflect.

At any time you are always welcome to visit our virtual prayer room.

Prayer Chain

If you have something that you would like those on our confidential prayer chain to pray for please contact Jean and she will email it out.  You don’t have to give your name or full details but you can be assured that people will be praying for you.

Prayer Ministry

We have an experienced team who are available to pray before, during and after our Sunday services – if you would like prayer please speak to one of the team or leaders

The contact for the Prayer Sheet and Prayer Chain is Jean Balcombe:  prayer@christchurch-clevedon.org.uk   07810 027820