in Church, Courses, Homegroup, Sunday Services, Weekday
New Year 2024
Wishing you a great start to 2024. We start the new year with our 10am F@CT and 11:15 service on the 7th January.
in Christmas, Church
Come along and join us on Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and of course your very own Christingle to take home.
in Church
Christmas Tree Festival 2023
Held the 25th & 26th November. Thank you everyone in making this a great success.
in Church
Annual Memorial Service
Christchurch’s Annual Memorial Service - Sunday, 3rd December at 3pm. An opportunity to pause, reflect and light a candle in memory of loved ones.
in Church, Front Page
Christchurch Monday Monthly Mobilisation!
You are invited to our monthly whole-church prayer meeting on the first Monday of each month 7.30pm-8.30pm.
in Events
Uganda Quiz Night
Friday 22nd September, 7.30pm. Raising money for Uganda Concern and Care for Uganda. Bring a team, or join one on the night!
in Church, Events
Quiz Night
Friday 19th May, 7.30pm at Christchurch. Raising Funds for the Youth Group Trip to Satellites Festival in August.