in News
New Wine Discipleship Year
Not sure what you’re doing in September? How about the New Wine Discipleship Year?
Not sure what you’re doing in September? How about the New Wine Discipleship Year?
The DRC faces not one crisis but many. More than 5 million people have been forced from their homes, including 3 million children...
Calling All Green Fingered Gardening Enthusiasts!!! Christchurch Needs You!
His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, died peacefully Friday morning at Windsor Castle on 9th April.
The Church will be open for services from Sunday 18th April (10:30am). The ECC / Core team has been continually monitoring and carefully following the advice we have received from Government, Diocese and Circuit and,...
4th to the 8th April 2021 Spring Harvest is returning to our living rooms again this year! For more information, have a look at Spring Harvest’s website.
Following news reports over the past few weeks, members of the church family have asked how they can show their appreciation for their own ‘jab’ by blessing others and ‘twinning their vaccine’. Rather than initiate...
On 14th March 2020, North Somerset lost its first resident to COVID-19. Since then, many more people from our communities have passed away. On Sunday 14th March 2021 at 7pm, North Somerset Council is inviting...
A free 12 part course for Mums that’s available to watch any time between the 8th February and 30th April, provided by Care For the Family. Each session is 30 minutes long and you’ll come...